d Alex Neville - Software Engineer | Technical Artist
Alex Neville
Software Engineer
Technical Artist
LinkedIn GitHub ArtStation

My Story

I'm a software engineer. Computer programming, I.T., and digital art are my life. As a result, it was only natural for me to major in Computer Science: Animation Emphasis at Brigham Young University. I had so much fun that I decided to get a master’s degree in it, too. And I am loving it so far.

I have three years of professional software engineering experience across different industries. I have recently completed my Master's degree in Computer Science, focusing on computational foam simulation using my own custom adaptation of the MLS-MPM algorithm. In addition to this, I am also working towards certifications in cybersecurity and PLCs.

CheckMark Computer Graphics
CheckMark Adaptive Video Streaming
CheckMark Full-Stack Web Development
CheckMark Film and Video Game Production
CheckMark Mobile Development
CheckMark Visual Effects
CheckMark Unit Testing
CheckMark Clean Code Principles

Flavor Text...

> I’m a lifelong theme park enthusiast, and aspiring theme park designer. I love to spend my weekends riding roller coasters and water slides. I have participated in the Cornell Theme Park Design Competition, and was the lead artist on a semifinalist team in the 2020 Disney Imaginations Competition. I am also the president of the BYU Theme Park Engineering and Design Club, and a member of the Themed Entertainment Association: NextGen.

> I'm a writer. I have recently finished the first draft of a Y.A. horror novel, Carnivile. In 2020, I had the honor of being accepted into Brandon Sanderson’s limited-enrollment, application-only creative writing course, Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy.

> Math is power. I minored in math while at BYU. It was a blast, and also I got to learn MATLAB while taking differential equations. Win-win.

> My other interests include distance running, reading, hiking, strength training, swimming, gaming (Switch and PC), cartoons, Legos, anime, dinosaurs, stargazing, geyser gazing, & playing and creating music: the works.

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